Our program is structured around the idea that children are born ready to learn. As early childhood educators, we are responsible for providing a stimulating and encouraging learning environment to ignite our children's spark. Our one-year-old through four-year-old classes use Experience Early Learning Mother Goose Time curriculum. The integrated curriculum system uniquely weaves 35 research-based skills into playful games and discovery projects. The cross-disciplinary model supports a child’s on-going social-emotional, physical, language and cognitive development. Our curriculum is approved by the Department of Education and our classrooms are observed and graded by the Department of Education. We utilize teaching strategies that engage children through enriching learning experiences. We pride ourselves on high quality classrooms that meet the diverse needs of children through flexible and individualized support to help children develop to their fullest potential.
Spiritual Approach
Zion Christian Children’s Center is a ministry of Zion United Methodist Church. We are non-denominational in our teaching, focusing on basic Biblical truths and values that unite all Christians. We are a community that is continually seeking to share His love. We focus on the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23 of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control as monthly themes in our Chapel and our classroom Bible lessons. We take pride in His blessings, praying before mealtimes and planting the seeds of God’s words in the hearts of the children.
Our teachers and staff lead by example and strive to be role models in each interaction: “In everything set them an example by doing what is good” (Titus 2:7) All of our programs emphasize the importance of modeling positive behaviors and interactions for children, believing fully that children are always taking in their surroundings.